Reflective Essay: Sequence Movie 2

The Sequence Movie 2 gave me a new appreciation for watching movies in a foreign language. The use of subtitles really kept my eyes on the screen throughout the entire movie. I particularly enjoyed the use of German language. The English subtitles helped me correlate the attitudes and movements produced by the characters in the movie. I also enjoyed the use of animation with real-life scenes. The movie had an action-based plot that really captured my attention. A troubled young girl in desperate need of money is pressured into gun pointing her own father for money in order to save her boyfriend’s life. The first scene provides a glimpse of the young girl’s death and then retraces back to the opening scene to show a different outcome. In the event that the girl is able to steal $100,000, her boyfriend ends up getting run over. In the third remake of the scene, the girl ends up going to a casino and gambling for the $100,000. When she ends up winning the money, her boyfriend ends up recovering the $100,000 that the homeless man stole from him. By the end of the movie I understood that time and alternative decisions were two things emphasized throughout the movie. Although Mannie (the girl’s boyfriend) ends up giving the money back to the men who threatened to kill him, the couple ends up with a total of $100,000 that the girl won at the casino. I particularly enjoyed this plot twist that the audience is left with by the end of the movie.

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Hello! My name is Alondra. I was born and raised in El Paso, Texas. I hope to pursue a graphic design major here at St. Edward's University. I love learning new things and using creativity to the best of my ability.

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