Posts Tagged ‘Adv. Type’

Weather Report

Alexa Weather Report from Alexa Bogran on Vimeo.

The purpose of the Weather Report project was to design a weekend weather report for 4 locations and to animate all the information in an organized format so that it is presented to the viewer in a seamless and creative manner.  This was my first experience with After Effects which hindered my ability to use the program to its best abilities, but it also taught me how to quickly learn a new method of design in a short amount of time.  The beginning of my experience with it was a bit rough and confusing because I didn’t know how to utilize the program and all its tools.  I used my practice time, inside and outside of class, to get the basic hang of it and from there I was able to really dive into the project.  I am proud of my final animation but there is definitely room for improvement in the transitions of my text/graphics so that the viewer easily understands the information presented.  After Effects is a program that I would like to get more practice with and would enjoy using again in the future.