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Adv. Type End Term Assessment

Before this class my experience with typography was more poster related where I use organize text and create hierarchy using typography, color, and graphics. I also had my experiences and knowledge gained from completing typography I freshman year.  I came into this class feeling comfortable with the basic rules of typography and how location, scale, color, and formatting all affect the way in which text is read and interpreted.  I really enjoy looking at typography in my free time, specifically hand lettering.     

Advanced typography gave me more experience with typography in more of an editorial environment.  Since the Fulbright program raw text was so much, I felt challenged with making sure all the information was presented correctly but also in a creative manner.  This project expanded my knowledge on how typography can be best utilized to create hierarchy.  It also showed me all the small detailing that goes into formatting a large amount of text into a program booklet.  

This semester I loved that I was able to get further experience using After Effects and InDesign.  After Effects I had never used before and InDesign I was only semi-comfortable with.  I loved the challenge of getting to understand the programs better because I want to get to know all the Adobe CC programs well enough to where I can use them all effectively to my needs as a designer.  I think it is important to be well rounded in that way. — Outside of class I really enjoyed going to the Studio Tours with Command G and the AIGA Portfolio review.

do you “see” it? what are the pieces of “it”? how do they fit together? — Not sure what you mean by this??

I asked questions in class and received helpful answers to them both from Tuan and my peers. I could have asked more questions, even the ones that I may think are not good questions.    

I feel as though I have put in a good amount of practice time, but I should set aside more of my outside class time for practice.

I was able to get helpful feedback in class which allowed me to question my work and design choices, but I also found that I would get beneficial feedback/critiques from asking my peers about my work and showing it to them to get their thoughts (both graphic design and non-graphic design majors).

Yes I was apart of class crits and desk crits. Yes, 90% of the time my life is in order.

I think Tuan’s class could be a more creative and fun place to be if did more peer-to-peer crits every couple of days during the process of a design project in order to get a view of what each other’s process looks like and be able to see the design grow from the initial idea to the final product. I also feel like have more lectures (about recent topics related to the project at hand) and demos at the beginning of class would be useful to our process.    

I believe I have grown a good amount in terms of my confidence as a designer, which is an ongoing process.  At the beginning of the semester I was a bit more hesitant to try new things and experiment with big ideas I had but after completing the weather report ond Fulbright program I have learned the importance of taking a risk and trying my ideas out because even if they don’t turn out they way I want them to in the end I can learn from that experience and improve it as I move forward.