Maps Project: Cognitive Map

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The purpose of this map was to design a functional flowchart that maps a decision.  Ideally the series of questions should allow the reader to examine all sides, pros and cons, of the decision they are trying to make and then lead them to a final decision.  I decided to map a flowchart for a situation where you are deciding whether to buy a pair of shoes or not.  This map was difficult for me to design-wise  because I ran into issues or organization and neatness.  I had all my questions and answers planned out but when it came to designing it I felt as though my layout choices made the information look too crowded.  I knew that I wanted to incorporate the shoe graphics in the middle and then have the rest of the information surround it in a circular shape but the execution was not 100 percent there.  I think to improve I can go back add icons to main decision making questions and then experiment more with layout to make it more organized and easy for the reader to follow.

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