September 2015 archive

Symbol Project

Final Symbols:

Screen Shot 2015-10-07 at 10.02.52

Topic: Exercise

Scan 3

Traced Photos:

Screen Shot 2016-03-30 at 12.35.08 AM

This basis of this project was symbol making which was explored through by the questions: What is a symbol? and Why do they exist? .  The main Illustrator tool that was used for this project was the pen tool, which I had little experience with beforehand.  After completing this project I feel very comfortable and efficient with the pen tool.  The big idea for my set of symbols is Exercise.  I began by brainstorming items/activities/feelings/and ideas related to exercise and from there I designed three traced symbols, three stylized symbols, and three non-objective symbols that each had multiple iterations before coming to my 3 final symbol group.  My experience with this project taught me about the importance of iterations and experimentation with shapes, line weight, negative space, and simplicity vs detail.  All of which effect the way in which a symbol is presented and interpreted.