Tagged: iPad

What’s Your Favorite App and Why?

The #100percentdigital faculty-staff learning community got off to a great start last week with the Apps and Appetizer Mixer.  Thanks to all of you who joined us.  I learned a lot from both the full group discussion and smaller conversations about what the best apps are and why.  Below is a word cloud showing the results of our live poll using Poll Everywhere, which lets participants respond via text message or web page from any mobile device: Continue reading

Welcome & Start Blogging!

Welcome to the #100percentdigital faculty & staff learning community!

Our first live meeting will take place this Wednesday, September 10, 3:30-4:30 pm in the Faculty Resource Center (FRC, Premont 110).  We’ll be kicking off this community with an App mixer–a place to share your favorite iPad apps over appetizers.  This meeting will also be a tech snack, so bring a friend with a mobile device even if they can’t take part in the community all semester.

Contributing to the Blog

Each member of the community has been added as an author on this blog.  Please feel free to share your thoughts about going #100percentdigital here.  If you need directions on how to post, follow this link, http://help.edublogs.org/writing-your-first-post/, or ask a fellow community member or an instructional technology staff member at the mixer on Wednesday.


Going 100% Digital with the iPad

Coffee & iPad

Mary Boyd, Vice President of Academic Affairs at St. Edward’s University has made the commitment to go digital. As she explains on her new blog, #100percentdigital:

I’ve committed to moving to a 100% digital workflow and practice.  That decision required a lot of persuasion by colleagues, who convinced me that I could do everything I do now, but better, in a completely digital process.

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