What are you critical about yourself? Why do you think it is critical for you to be critical on yourself about this thing and what steps are you taking to remedy that criticism?

I am critical about if I have what it takes to make it as a graphic designer and how much I am growing. I say this because I kind of wish I could have majored in graphic design… After the AIGA portfolio review, I realized that my interest all had to do with branding. This was a pivotal moment so far in my graphic design career. I got a lot of valuable feedback and realized that I do have the potential. I just have to put more effort into polishing my work. This event made me realize there is so much work that still needs to be done to get to where I want to get. This leads me into my growth. When it comes to the steps I have taken, I have actually set a lot of time aside to practice on my graphic design skills outside of class this past year. I have put a lot of time into my projects in this class. For example, the Fulbright program booklet was probably the one project I enjoyed doing because it allowed me to practice with layout, work with another person, and think more in-depth about an identity for a program. I also attended the AIGA portfolio review which was the first time I actually gained feedback from design professionals (more engaging conversations than that with marketing professionals). After this event, I became a member of AIGA because I realized how much value it could add to me as a designer. Something I am going to do this summer is rework some of my older projects and update my portfolio to better reflect what I can do now with all the things I have learned these past few months. Also, attend at least 2 AIGA events in Houston. I think I can become a better designer if I just put my all into my projects. I sometimes I feel myself not giving 100% to projects because of other responsibilities for other classes. I am going to make it a goal to put 110% into everything to prove to myself I can be a great designer.


For my decision map, I made more of a checklist. I felt like I could organize my thoughts better like this: