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Blog Post #3

The artist I have decided to do contemporary research on is M.C. Escher. Being first introduced to his work in my first year in high school was definitely a delight. What I liked so much about his work is how chaotic his drawings are. They don’t make sense and would break all the laws of reality if they were to come to life. The amount of time I would spend looking at them and trying to make sense of the illustrations and the desire to see more of his works is something I never thought I would do.

 M.C. Escher


Waterfall is really something that has a lot going on within along with some questions such as why something you would see in the ocean be planted on land as we see in the bottom left hand side. The way the waterfall is working and how the architecture is laid out really made me scratch my head and do so many double takes to be sure I knew what I was looking at.

 M.C. Escher


“Wait, what?” is a good way to describe how I felt looking at this. I’ve seen something like this in movies and cartoons but I never thought about where it all came or started from. Again this is something I like because it makes me wonder which way is the right way and which way makes sense and of course the obvious question, “how are they not falling?”


Blog Post #2

Part 1

Time Tracker_egomez10-29k9om8

Something I definitely noticed about this is that I very often find myself doing very weird things. Yes I get my work done but I also find that I spend a lot of time playing video games and watching videos and not a lot of me actually interacting with people face to face.

Part 2

This is one of the things I did way before I started college. I liked doing origami because I liked the idea of creating something simply from paper. I would make paper claws, stars, scorpions, cranes, and the Batman logo.


VISU-1100-01 Blog Post #1

Part 1

1. What are the main points of each article?

The main points are pretty straight forward for both articles. In one it states how entrepreneurs should view how artists go about what they do and learn from it.  The other article mentions how with the way artists go about their work and bring results that say how people enjoy their work begs the question if artists may as well fall under the entrepreneur category.

2.  What can artists learn from their “entrepreneurial cousins”?

They need to leverage the many resources available to remove the burdens of doing business as an independent artist.

3. Do you agree that artists are entrepreneurs? why?

I can only agree with that claim to an extent. In a simple sense, the artist makes their work, release it to the public, and people come and enjoy their works and would probably pay money to buy the artwork. But there are artists who just want to put their work out there without hoping for someone to come along and buy it. If it does happen then it was a bonus from positive reaction the work has received and no down-sides are to be seen in miles.

4. Which of the 12 characteristics of artists do you agree with?

I agree with all them. The 12 characteristics aren’t too exaggerated to where you would get the impression that artists have figured out the way of life.

5. What others would you add to the list?

One would be that artists are liars. In a way I would say that this would fall with them being storytellers with them telling you what their artwork is about but the viewer can look at it and think they know what the real meaning behind it is.

6. Additional thoughts.

I do like the comparison between both parties. It is one of those moments where you sit down and think, “Well now that I think about it…”

Part 2

  1. Do you have grit, or is this something you need to work on?

I scored a 3.5 so I would say I’ve got some grit. What I am coming to realize is that maybe that I only have grit when it comes to things I am willing to do more than things I need to do. So I definitely need to improve my grit.

2. List a couple of things you could do to increase your level of grit.

For starters I can try and stay engaged instead of losing interest if whatever it is doesn’t seem to have my care.


ARTS1311 Reading #4

1. How is Warhol able to turn in “off” and based upon the article does he not care about the work?

Simply put, him turning off is going in without a care in the world, his nothing-to-lose attitude. He goes in and does it without caring if it is going to be good or bad. One would say how he doesn’t care about his work but I would say he has to have some care for it despite it not amounting to anything. If he didn’t care about his work at all, what I am trying to say is he wouldn’t have bothered to do it in the first place.
2. Why is the article relevant to the last project?

A bit of the nothing-to-lose attitude would have came up a lot for shooting 200 pictures of the same object, granted at different angles. One would take all of the pictures they can so long as the illustration looks like it has an environment of it’s own.

Personal Reflection


200 Pictures

I chose this picture as one of my favorites because of how nice it turned out. The positioning is a major plus since both the skinny rolled up paper and a piece of the bigger item is in view.

Point of interest is easy to see which made me chose this as my top 10. The shadow is a major plus to me.

Looks like an aftermath of a major battle.

I like the lighting in this one. That has to be the only reason I chose this as my top 10. It could also be the fact that this is one of the few pictures I took that have lighting and not a look of darkness in it.

The contrast with the light and dark is what sold me.

I chose this as a part of my top 10 because of how the picture looks like something you would expect to see on the bottom of the ocean floor.

This looks like it is a picture with a person in it. I could see what appears to be an ear on the head.

For me, I could imagine this looking like some sort of evil gathering of some sort. Like the paper sticking up could be members of an occult or something and the lighting gives off a sinister feel.

I like this one because it includes a little bit of everything in it. Crumpled, straight, folded, and curved.

This one I really like because to me, it looks like a big creature with legs moving toward the right.

rest of the pictures can be found here :


Reading #2

1. Based upon the reading how are priorities set for specific projects? Or in other words, what is it that determines the guidelines for given projects?

How the readings word it, some of the guidelines for these projects are determined by what it is they are trying to accomplish. In Nacking’s interview, the interviewee wanted to show what art is capable of. To help them do that, they stated how they want to make their art socially relevant and make it seem relevant to either one person or a whole group and more.

2. How does the artist/ designer approach decision making differently or do they?

They seem to approach decisions the same way. Nacking’s interview and the readng about Paton and the history behind his chairs seem to say that they had a goal in mind and they went with the first thing they had on mind to make it work. Superflex went all in saying they are willing to accept the consequenses and they did fine. For Paton it would seem that his idea for the chair only had one phase and noother alternatives and he knew what it was he was going for.

Personal Reflection

1. How do you make decisions? Are they based upon anything substantial? Why or why not?

I make my decisions based on what I think is better suited for the situation so yes, they would be based on things that are substantial because I would want the end game of the decisions to be the ones that make the whole thing work.

2. How do you know when something is “good” or working?

I know when something is “good” or working when everything I have done mixes or goes well together. So long as the entire thing is on topic I know if it is working.

3. How do you rework projects to make them work?

Usually by trying to approach the project from a different angle. I could re arrange where things should or should not be and I would place them in a more fitting area or I could change one section that isn’t working all together.


Visual Dictionary


FAD 4th Dimensional Project

What this is is an animation I created in a software called Source Filmmaker. In the creation I have a character going from one point to the other (a twist in the ending).


ARTS1311_100 Solutions

The item I used for this assignment is the Jack of Hearts. Out of all the cards in a deck, the Jack of Hearts had always stood out to me thus making it my favorite.

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I liked this picture because it shows how the Jack is superior to the low ranking heart cards.

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Jack of Hearts is a card. I thought it would be interesting to see this card to have the same function as a normal ID card would.

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Right hand on your heart as you recite the Pledge of Allegiance. It is fitting to see this suit of a card replace the function of a heart which is why this picture is one of my favorites.

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Cards and money go together. Be they credit or debit cards or perhaps a card used in gambling to make money.

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I liked this picture because i shows a card being used in something not related to what it is meant to do.

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I like this picture because I like the idea of giving off an impression that I actually drew it when in reality I placed the card on a piece of paper.

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Of all things I can imagine as other uses for a card I would not imagine them being used a rag to clean off dirty lenses which made this one of my top picks.

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I picked this picture out because of the randomness depicted.

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I picked this picture out because it makes it seem like I am using the card to replace a piece of lettuce.

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The fact that I am using the card to replace the knife was enough to make this one of my favorites.

Remaining pictures can be found here:


Assignment 4: Step B Blog Reflection

After sharing the results each team members have received from the interviews we performed individually, we did not only get our work in on time, we noticed a common theme, besides crime. Almost all of the responses we have received could have sounded like they came from the exact same person. For the brainstorming we still don’t have an exact idea as to what it is we want to do but I do want to suggest that we do a poster presentation. it sounds plain I know, but there are other things I would want to place on the poster like the questions and answers each of the interviewees gave to them. The poster would also include a summary of what we are doing and all of the necessary information will be included to educate anyone who reads the poster. If my group says no to the idea of a poster presentation, then I will listen to their ideas since I can’t do everything. While we were reflecting I did notice the similar answers we were all given and it made me wonder if anyone else who was working on the same topic s we are or anyone who is working on a different topic had the same incident.

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