Visual Studies Seminar Blog Post #7

  1. I love the arts, especially photography, which is why I decided on this major: Photocommunications. I believe this major will help me prepare for a career in the future because I want to become a professional photographer. I’m not sure what I want to do exactly with my photo skills yet, but that is why I think this major is awesome. There are so many different types of photo classes available for me to take. I am able to experience different types of photography through this major and because of this I will hopefully be able to figure out what I want to do when I graduate. I don’t really have a backup plan if this major doesn’t work out, because I’m hoping that it does work out.. This is all I want to do at the moment and I don’t know if thats going to change anytime soon.
  2. I don’t have a minor or a second major, however I used to want to be a teacher so majoring in education could be a possible option. I think majoring in education would be good for me because it would be easier to find a job. Also, if I got a job at a school I could be an art or photography teacher which would be like a combo of the two things I would like to do once I graduate.

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