November 2017 archive

Journal Entry: November 26

Thanksgiving break was fun! I got to see all my friends from church and school and all the stuff. I spent so much black Friday shopping and ate so much that weekend too. I got to see my nephews and nieces again which is a refreshing memory of being an uncle. The beginning was a bit stressful because I had a bio test and those presentations but after those, I went straight home and had lied in bed. I waited for Thursday for Thanksgiving so I can stuff my face with everything and after that, I went to the Galleria with Laurel to go shopping I wanted to take my time but she was rushing me a bunch which was annoying. After that, I hung out with my friends on Saturday at a buffet and left for Austin today. I came back and now cannot wait for the week to start back up.

Journal Entry: November 19

This week was really hard. I was really struggling with my English class this week which isn’t any surprise but I really was tired of this class this week. However, the highlight of my week was seeing that Anonymous play which was pretty amazing. I saw the resemblance of the Odyssey in the play. Anonymous was a modern version of the Odyssey in which showed him fighting the cyclops or the butcher in the play. They both ran into the sirens and Calypso and the king and queen and the princess. It was an emotional rollercoaster. I felt almost every emotion in this play which was very well executed. I also got into my 11 am bio class which I was so happy because I really wanted that class because I heard Steffenson had really good teachings and is faculty. So all I need is my bio lab, chemistry, and that lab too. I also have not started my NY Times assignment which is due Tuesday but I have a bio test Monday so I need to study for that test. I can’t wait for Thanksgiving and Black Friday sales I have been saving up for that night.

Journal Entry: November 12

My week has been good. Monday has consisted of four classes that were tearing me apart. It was really hard that day because English class needed me to make a draft and a bunch of other stuff that was hard. I didn’t stay up late because I needed the sleep. My philosophy class was super easy however but were starting a group project. This group project needs us to watch a movie and write about its morals and what-not like that stuff. I needed to calm down though because I am building a lot of stress in which is causing me to do badly in my classes. Tuesday was good because I went to only two classes both were easy too. Wednesday was bad too because I had another four classes. Thursday and Friday were good because I was just looking forward to the weekend. Friday night was super fun too because the whole floor went out together and I was great.

Journal Entry: November 5

My weekend is been grand. I hung out with Anthony a lot, eating Chilis and Korean BBQ. I also hung out with Cody last night which we watched two movies, the Bee Movie, and Pirates of the Caribbean: The Black Pearl. The weekend was super fun but I also got a parking ticket last night by taking my chances and not paying for the parking fee. I also am sick so I might not be able to go to class tomorrow which will suck for sure. This sickness that has rained upon me has been such a struggle with my stuffed and runny nose, my insane coughing and sneezing, and my cold sweats. I wonder how my future will go honestly. Will I become a doctor or become something else. Who will I date in a couple years maybe no one at all. I am just contemplating my future seeing my priorities right now.