Blog post #2

Blog post #2

Part one:

I have tracked my use of time over the last week, I have found that I do manage my time really well but not when it comes to school. For example I tend to procrastinate my homework the most because I mean what college student doesn’t. This is probably not the best thing to do though, and what I have learned from this is to change that about myself.

Part two:

My senior year of high school I decided to take AP studio art. This is a piece I did for my portfolio, I was going for something like Mexican art and something a little more edgy. Ever since I can remember I had always drawn from reality and things I was able to see in front of me, so I wanted to draw something totally original and more from my mind than anything else. When I finished this piece I was so proud of myself to branch out and experience the new ideas that were flowing out of me.