Art, Business, Grit (seminar)

Article Questions:

  1. Both articles emphasize a shift in the workplace and in the studio. As businesses begin to require novel designs in order to remain fresh, they rely on artists to reinvent and innovate the company base. Artists are also becoming more concerned with creating an entrepreneurial image, thus they rely on business professionals. The lines that divided passion and work are beginning to blur to create a mingling of seemingly different industries.


  1. According to the article, artists should look to their “entrepreneurial cousins” for a model of which to build their name. An artist can diligently refine their skill, but without representation, their work will go unnoticed. Artists can emulate entrepreneurs in order to “sell” their product and become well known.


  1. I feel as if artists are entrepreneurs, but not necessarily by choice. Take a walk down SoCo and you’ll see a myriad of art galleries, boutiques, and pop-up markets all claiming to uphold the local art community. I feel as if many artists and crafters see these approaches as the only way to gain exposure. However, I feel as by labeling artists as entrepreneurs, the effect of their work is lost. Artists will sell their passion, soul, life, and blood, if only for a good haggling price with a rich, middle-aged woman who thinks boutique art is “too pricey.” Artists are entrepreneurs in the fact that it seems like the only way to survive, is to sell, haggle, and advertise.


  1. I agree with all twelve points, but #4 and #6 are points I agree with the most. #4 stating that “artists are like children” and #6 “artist are comfortable with ambiguity.” I see these points reflected in my own art. I feel as if those who create truly never abandon the childlike lens which most of us lose through growing up. Not only am I comfortable in ambiguity, I thrive in it. Art cannot be measured, quantified, nor tamed.


  1. I would add that artists are odd, plain and simple. It’s the truth and no one can convince me otherwise. Only those who are odd can see what is not there, create something out of nothing, and display our vulnerabilities. It’s as if we are a different species and creation is our mode of communication.


  1. Additional thoughts: I am quite frustrated by the art industry to which I have been exposed. I hate art markets, trendy local boutiques, and restaurant art sales. It makes me uncomfortable that people are so fixated on selling art in any space possible. It is unfair to an artist to have their work minimized to a quantity and not recognized as a part of their passion. But hey, gotta make money somehow…


Thoughts on grit:


  1. Do you have grit, or is this something you need to work on?

I got a score of 4.88 out of 5 on the grit test, so I would say that I do have grit.

  1. List a couple of things you could do to increase your level of grit.

I don’t believe there is anything I could do at this moment. I have gone through hell and back in the past few years, and my grit is the indicator.



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