Blog Post #2

Part One:

Mostly, the log backed up my daily schedule on the major day activities such as wake up time, breakfast/lunch/dinner times, class times, work, etc. But it also made me realize how much time I have between those things, yet use a lot of the time on things like Netflix, going out, etc. when I could be using that time to study more often. It also makes me realize that my schedule is not as consistent as I thought, or as consistent as I’d like it to be.

Part Two:Medusa: dye on white cotton and silk, thread, 20″ x 20″, 2016

Over the last four years while I was in high school, I worked on a series of fibers pieces. Although the first few pieces were’t meant to be cohesive and fit together as a collection, I started to realize that there were similar elements that kept popping up throughout each piece, and I started to develop my style. I’m very interested in mythology and sacred symbols, which shows in a lot of my pieces, like Three Spirits (not pictured) and Medusa. I also started dyeing the fabric like watercolor almost, and bringing in space backgrounds, to add a sort of dreamlike quality to my pieces.

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