Time. I think time is presented and talked about so interestingly here with all of the different people interviewed.

With the physicists, I thought how it was interesting that they were chasing a point back in time that was so far ago. The fact that they could only go so far to the moment before our planet came to existence. They got to see time in a while new way that was put into a whole new perspective.

With the artist/fashion man David found him to be quite interesting. The ways that he chooses to chase time and try to go back is so odd. Like when he talked about trying to live like the 20s with the horses and knowing Andy Warhol.  Or that he bikes and doesn’t use the internet. He refuses to use modern technologies and lives in the past as much as he can. I love how he sees this modern day as a “nightmare.” Time, he says, is something that people can travel through. That’s interesting because I would have never thought about being able to travel that way in this day in age.

When talking about Einstein, they talked greatly on time again. How everybody is on different clocks and moves at different rates. That time moves at the time that you make it move at. There is no time as they put it. Every moment is already determined and we are just living in a bunch of “nows.” We don’t have free will because all of these moments are predetermined. What a thought. I find this to be so interesting. I feel as if I am being pulled in two directions here with these thoughts of free will and predetermined time. Also, the concept of parallel universes was interesting too like when they talked about the ice cream. That is a frightening thought to think about how every choice is sending us on a new path.

The think about the free will and the wiggling of the finger was just weird. How do you know what sparks the bleep?

The desert camp was and interesting thing about time. They talked about how the BLN was trying to tear it down and that it’s a time in history. They don’t worry about technology or things like that in the Mohave desert and people are not concerned with the outside world. I think this is so interesting, like these people are stuck in time. Not moving forward but somehow moving backwards because the world is moving on.

Time is incredible weird. There are so many perspectives.

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