Animated GIFS: Graphic Design 3

In attempt to digging deeper into the East Cesar Chavez neighborhood I headed out into the physical neighborhood to collect experiences and material. As I went out to do my field research in the neighborhood, I documented each establishment and address in my particular area. After looking though my photographs I noticed that a lot of the subjects I chose to photograph were either very close up or had a very dream like feel to them. The goal was to develop a topic concerning the community with the help of our research and images. After looking through my research I concluded I wanted to focus on the availability of resources in the area. This idea started with the general idea of where their resources came from. The more I observed and gathered experiences; I realized there was very limited access to grocery stores besides convenience stores.


You can see the growth of my idea through the GIFs and how it really become much more specific the more GIFs I made. Through the process of making these GIFs I started to gain a childlike viewpoint. I wanted to use the real photograph subjects and incorporate them into my creations. My goal was for there to be a sense of reality connected to the Gifs who show a playful take on their surroundings and experience. I think that by incorporating real photographic images instead of drawing everything into a GIF it adds to my idea of creating a sense of craving more within their reality.







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