Display Typeface : Typography 1



The goal for this project was to create a custom typeface using the online program fontstruct. The process for the making of this typeface began with inspiration from an assigned poem and pictures. We had to base this typeface from an aspect from the images. For mine, I was assigned images that looked like tessellations as well as a flowery and round. They almost fit together like puzzles so this was a concept I chose to incorporate into my design. The fontstruct program had sets of already pre-made shapes and this made the process a bit easier because we already had somewhere to start from. Some decisions I had to make regarding the typeface included whether to make it a heavy display typeface, which it ultimately did become one. Once I tested the typeface in smaller font sizes it became a pain to read but it looked nice in a larger size so this was when I chose to make it more decorative and add little decorative marks into the typeface. My design, and choice to make the typeface more decorative embodies my idea of flowers because most of the additional accent marks resemble leaves



Display Typeface





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