Pierre-Auguste Renoir


Pierre-Auguste Renoir


Claude Monet Painting in His Garden at Argenteuil,” 1873

Pierre-Auguste Renoir was a French painter, who lived from the mid-19th into the early 20th century. He is credited, along with several other artists, with the development of Impressionism.  After hanging his works in the first impressionist show ever held, Renoir’s acclaim quickly grew from that point in 1874.  Renoir’s work focused on the human form, particularly that of nude women. He attempted to portray his subject as if caught during a spontaneous action. In a sense, Renoir was the first candid camera. His use of bright colors gives an almost ethereal glow to the figures, which further illustrates his admiration for the human form. Renoir admired his contemporary’s as well, as evidenced by his multiple paintings of many of them. With Renoir at the center, the French Impressionist movement was well underway. Many masters, like Claude Monet and Alfred Sisley, emerged alongside Renoir, creating one of the most beloved artistic styles in the world today.

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