Paul Durand-Ruel


“Paul Durand-Ruel” by Renoir

Paul Durand-Ruel  was a successful gallery owner before aligning himself with the French Impressionist movement. After relocating to London alongside masters like Monet, Durand-Ruel helped establish Impressionism as a beloved artform in the U.S. when he started having successful exhibits in New York. As a pivotal player in the spread of Impressionism, Durand-Ruel holds a particularly high-esteem amongst art-lovers because of their shared passion for the spread of artistic creation. Paul Durand=Ruel is not as well-known as his contemporaries, but is to French Impressionism what Gertrude Stein is to the writings of 1920’s contemporaries like F. Scott Fitzgerald and Ernest Hemingway. He was not a known master, but rather a dealer masterpieces, being that he represented the majority of known French Impressionists.

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