Jean-Baptiste-Camille Corot


“Woman with a Pearl” – 1868


Jean-Baptiste-Camille Corot – 1850

Jean-Baptiste-Camille Corot is yet another pivotal figure in the development of French Impressionism. He is a multi-disciplined impressionist, in that he produced vast amounts of both landscapes and portraits, in addition to various etchings and prints made. He is set-apart from other impressionists in that he also utilizes many neoclassical techniques in hiw work. After a long-stay in Italy, Corot returned to France to rework many of his oil sketches which had gained him a bit of renowned in Italy. He added imagined lines, and brightened the scenes by converting his black and white sketches to vivid colors. His direct influence of other Impressionists puts him in a special place within the movement; a position both as leader, and mentor to his contemporaries. It is obvious that the admiration other masters had for him was well-placed and Corot had earned it through his work and fellowship with his contemporaries.

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