Charlie Isoe


“Silver Spoons and Hotel Rooms,” is a painting done by contemporary artist Charlie Isoe. While I don’t know a great deal about him as an artist, I have seen this painting and a few others of his that have really spoken to me. I appreciate that he has such technical skill with portraiture, yet, once he has it seemingly perfect, at least if realism was the goal, he instead draws cartoonish, and oftentimes, demonic, facial features, like large blood smears, or jagged teeth over the face. I appreciate that essentially his work seems to exposing the wickedness of humanity below the skin-deep beauty. Aside from the close-up facial transformations, Isoe is also fond of having humans interact with animals, particularly cartoon animals with devious looks who seem to be up to no good. In a world where society is ever guarded about how they appear outwardly to others, it is nice to believe that somebody is still attempting to paint what we look like on the inside.

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