The Weather Report

The purpose of this project was to design a futuristic weather report using Adobe AfterEffects. I was told to imagine being in the distant future where one can simply walk up to a spot and call up a weather report. Highs, lows, and climate conditions for 4 cities over a 3 day weekend were required. From the information structures of location, alphabet, time, category, and hierarchy, I needed to pick three structures to use motion transition from a blank screen to four random cities then into three different structures then back to a blank screen. Once on screen, none of the core data was allowed disappear until then end.
With this context in mind, I began brainstorming ideas for the report and created storyboards for the organizational structures of location, hierarchy, and category. Then, I composed my ideas in AfterEffects. I challenged myself with new techniques of animation. The organizational structures were sequenced in a way so that the structure was easily recognizable. The context of the assignment formed many aspects of the design. I wanted the viewer to be pleased aesthetically while keeping the information structures evident. I learned how to add and edit audio and video files in Aftereffects while making the project. This first video is just the weather report.

This video shows the weather report in the project’s context.