“Personal Geography” covered a series of map projects; Some were literal maps, some more metaphorical or based on your own perspective. This is based on the things I eat throughout the day. My diet doesn’t have a lot of variety from the usual schedule: bread, 2 meats, 3 coffees, 3 fruits, a yogurt. Here, I mapped out the ways the foods taste and feel, as well as their temperature. I’m extremely happy with the way this one turned out. I’m still in love with my choice of a soft, friendly color palette, and though I struggled with deciding whether or not to include a stroke on the objects, I feel it was the right decision to go with none. All the objects are now recognizable, even yogurt, which had to be edited somewhat to be easily seen, and the “map” is nice and orderly. I wondered whether or not to use bars to convey the flavors on the chart, but eventually settled on a pie chart to better add to the order of the design.