Sophomore Portfolio Review

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While It may not have been strictly part of the project, I still regret putting all this space for text in my type specimen book if I was only going to fill it with lorem-ipsum filler text. That was a failure of time management on my part. However, I still believe this piece holds up, and though there are still some issues with line spacing and the ragged edges on paragraphs here and there, I’m quite proud of my color palette choices. This was my first time with InDesign, and I very much enjoyed learning some of the ins-and outs of the program. So, for a first try at an indd. document, I am excited to present my specimen booklet on Ms. Eaves.


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My sensory map was a fun puzzle for me to work through with my design, and I enjoyed really analyzing what I was eating, and thinking about how I could graph that, and organize it in a more ordered way, mapping out abstract concepts like taste and texture. Again, I’m attached to this piece in a great part because of the color scheme. I feel like I succeeded in making it resemble a children’s nutrition diagram, stylistically, while still showing the needed information. I think it’s an attractive piece of design, my only gripe with it being that perhaps the background makes parts of it feel a little sparse.


My previous background as an illustrator is at once one of my greatest strengths, and greatest weaknesses. I believe I have a strong eye for color and aesthetic attractiveness, but I find myself conflicted when I have to stride the line between beauty and functionalism. The clarity of the information in my designs sometimes falls behind their pretty details. I am very good at photoshop, but I am still wrangling new programs like InDesign and Illustrator, which have more of a precise, mathematical feel to them.

I also have some issues with time management, and still struggle with choosing an appropriate typeface for each of my projects. Still, I have found myself looking back on old work and shaking my head at my font choices, so I know my eye is improving.