Reflection on Class

I found this class to be very helpful in being prepared. It also helped me to have more of an open mind to different mediums. I like how the class was interactive if you chose. It was hard to benefit from this class when you missed class because it was only once a week; which being at 9 a.m. on a Friday made it really hard to want to get up and go to class. It was very insightful all in all. Besides the time I would suggest any visual studies student take this class

Joe Meiser

I found his exhibit to interesting. I have never thought of art in the way that he creates it. I found his process of making his sculptures with Styrofoam was interesting since they look so dense and heavy. I also found how he uses the computer to generate everything to be very complicated and complex, it made me appreciate what he does even more. What I didn’t like is that he doesn’t give the engineers (or the people that help him) much credit. All in all the sculptures hanging on the wall were my favorite.

Artist Research/ Martin Venesky

I think Martin Venesky is significant because everything he creates is very time consuming and tedious. I first found out about Martin in my typography class when Jimmy mentioned him, I later gained more knowledge of his work through a research project. He likes very complex stuff that is actually quite simple, it all flows together and tells a story when you go from one part of his collages to the next. I like that he is consistent in putting type in his work, I think this is very contemporary. He is the author of a pretty known book called It is Beautiful– Then Gone. He has founded his own design studio called appetite engineers which I have shared the link of at the top. He designed Open, San Fransisco Museum of Modern art’s magazine. His work has been featured in Eye, How and Emerge and graphis ( He graduated from Cranbrook.

One of my favorite pieces of work he has done:

Faculty Presentation

I really enjoyed looking at Sybill and Garzas work. Specifically Garza’s because she is a graphic designer. I never realized how many different routes there were to take until she gave her presentation. I loved that she had examples for almost every field for graphic designers. I even went home and further looked at her work on her website. I was really intrigued by Sybill’s photography, especially the photo that had the name Woodstock in it I believe. She seems to have good work ethic and likes to stick to her values and word. I perceive this from her story about the capitol pictures and the lengths she went to to make sure she stayed to her guidelines/rules. Very neat presentation as a whole.

Alex Robinson Presentation

I did not attend the presentation but I can talk about Alex. She is my professor for foundation art and design and I LOVE HER. She is a great professor and really akes you think outside the norm. She challenges you to see things differently and question aspects of things. My favorite part of her class is crit day when we all analyze each others work. My reason why this is my favorite part of her class is because she gets more involved (not that she isn’t involved a lot) vocally on these days. After a week or so of only giving us advice and watching us build/ create something on crit day she can give us her final opinions. These include the question of technique and the choices we made, the way a work makes us feel, what our reaction is to it, if it is held in by the page or if  the page doesn’t set the work into boundaries…etc.

Dream Spring schedule

Before going into advising I had hoped for my next classes in the graphic design program. Which would be color and design and photo 1. I wanted Walle ( I believe that’s his name?) and Sybil for these classes, which I did not get, but I am excited about my color class with Professor Robinson. I was lucky to find out through advising that there is a math class for liberal arts, I’m glad I will be getting this out of my way. Math isn’t my forte. My other classes will be rhetoric and comp. II and the american experience. Which also includes me finishing parts of my computer competence test in order to be ready for The American Experience. I am looking forward to next semester and my hopefully better study/academic success.

Time Management

After tracking my time for a week I noticed that I really have no set schedule. Besides the obvious class times that are always consistent, I don’t have a set routine. After tracking a week in my life I will start planning set study times and homework times. I have also noticed that I have no constancy when it comes to my sleep schedule and if I start getting better hours of sleep my days will become a lot more effective. I have concluded that I have poor time management and need to fix this asap!

Professor Reflections

I really like Hollis’s style of work. It very much reminds me of the direction I am heading with my art. I have repeatedly been told my art work looks crammed and like there is too much but the way Hollis puts so much detail into small spaces really makes it work and reminds me as long as I believe it looks great and I take my time being a perfectionist (much like she has stated she is) the end result is very rewarding and put together in a great  way.

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