Sophomore Portfolio Review


Over the past two years I have learned a lot about Graphic Design. My skills have great improved compared to how I was at the beginning. At first I was never too sure about my designs and would never really think about creating iterations for my projects. I usually just with whatever my first design was for a project. I have learned that creating iterations for projects not only allows my creative mind to flow but it also allows me to learn what works and what doesn’t. Coming into the Graphic Design program at St. Edward’s, I only had minor skills in using Photoshop. Now I feel more confident in using the programs InDesign, After Effects, Illustrator, and Photoshop.

I feel that one of my strongest works is the collage I created in Image Methodology where I worked with Photoshop to make a collage using images that our professor provided. They were mostly images that were black and white, so I decided to include an image in color of an old woman. I tried to create a collage that looked like the old woman was reminiscing about events and people in her life. I used the black and white images to represent her memories. I feel that this work really shows how much my skills in Photoshop have improved.

Another one of my strongest works is the Packaging Project that we did in Graphic Design II. This project allowed me to show my greatly improved skills in working with Illustrator. My skills allowed me to do this project at a much faster rate than it would have taken me a year ago. This was also one of my strongest works because not only did we use Illustrator for the buttons and packaging, but we also got the chance to create physical objects.