Marcelo Urieta Bravo

Graphic Design Minor – St. Edward's University


Graphic Design I – Mapping Project (Cognitive Map)



For the Mapping Project (Cognitive Map) assignment, we were asked to create a flowchart that mapped a decision making. This basically was a project intended for all of us to use the skills learned in this class throughout the semester. The completed poster had to be printed in a 16×20 matte paper.

I decided to map the decision making process of “Should I Clean My Room?” because it is something that I struggle with the most and because I thought others would find it helpful. I had a clear idea from the very beginning; I did not have any trouble coming up with the different types of questions. However, what I did struggle with was the size of the project as well as incorporating symbols throughout the composition. I feel like I do have a lot of written and not so much of symbols. The main goal was to use as little text as possible, but I was too focused on making my map legible that I felt the need to include word for word on my questions and answers.

My design is good; I used colors that work well together and I also managed to keep a reasonable amount of space between each part of the design. However, like I mentioned before, adding more symbols and reducing the amount of text would of enhanced my overall design.

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