Image Methodology – Critical Mass (Video Animation)

For the Critical Mass (Video Animation) we were asked to create a short video animation using Adobe AfterEffects. This project introduced me to after effects; before this class, I didn’t have any prior knowledge as to how to create a composition and using this program. However, we did get the opportunity to do a lot of the work using other Adobe products such as Photoshop.

What I liked about this project is that we were free to animate anything that we wanted. This was the perfect opportunity for me to create a video animation for an organization that I have been involved with for years. I wanted to create a promotional and educational video for Circle K International (not the gas station in case you are wondering). I was able to use many different animation techniques throughout this project. Two of my favorite techniques were the pencil writing effect that happens at the very beginning of the video as well as the many different animation effects that I used on the logo, such as rotation, appear, and scale.

This was a very challenging project because it took me a long time to finish it and because I wasn’t that familiar with the program. I had several moments when I thought about giving up, but I kept pushing myself to finish because I not only wanted to get a good grade, but I also wanted to share this with the organization that has givens so much to me.

I am very happy with the way this video animation turned out and in fact, Circle K International has been using this video as a promotional/educational material.