Marcelo Urieta Bravo

Graphic Design Minor – St. Edward's University


Typography I – Type Specimen Book

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The Type Specimen Book was our final project for Typography I and by far my favorite Graphic Design project ever. Our goal for this project was to produce a 16 pages (plus cover page) specimen book. We had to integrate the concepts and skills that we learned throughout the semester in this multi-page document. This project gave me the opportunity to explore the creative and production aspects of the typographic grid, as well as to learn the fundamental principles and protocols of publishing design.

Unlike in the Typographic Poster, in this assignment, I was very confident using InDesign and I knew a lot of tricks and techniques that helped execute this project effectively. I definitely took advantage of the fact that Trade Gothic Typeface has an extensive family and decided to illustrate and showcase the differences and similarities throughout this book. Although this project took a very long time, I enjoyed working on it so very much. It challenged me, but seeing the final product made it worth it.

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