Maryhelen’s Semester Reflections of Gdes_1

Target Expert Hours – 500 hrs a semester

Current Expert Hours – 620.65 hrs this semester

Expert Experiences – Intern for “Eyes Got It”, Hollis’ work assistant, Gallery Worker, E.A.S.T Show, Up Collective Show, Pump Project Show (in progress), Dr. Hook Fellowship Grant (in progress), Tyler Brick Street Stroll Mural, Commissioned painting for Tyler Azalea Trails Business Route (in progress),  Volunteer at Austin Kiddie Limits Art Booth, Volunteer at Annual Viva La Vida Parade for Mexicarte, T.A. for Visu 1100.

social/emotional development

This semester held many obstacles for me, I was busy both with courses that were self led as well as courses that demanded strong learning curves. With both of these in mind I was able to complete projects that were on completely different ends of the scale. For example, I was enrolled in the senior level courses Animation and Installation which demanded a lot from me both as a leader and outside of the academic sphere. And then on the other side i was enrolled in Gdes 1, this course, where I was met with some inadequacies in my lack of technical knowledge and design elements which I hadn’t been confronted with before. I think seeing myself own certain tasks in the higher level courses and then see myself struggling with learning curves in beginning design courses was a growing experience, and it helped me get a grip on my course load as well as mature as a person.

sophistication of your work

I took image methodology a few years ago, but I didn’t get exposed to some of the things that the other design students seemed to have known already in the class. Because of this i felt behind most of the time and I couldn’t understand why my projects looked so juvenile. However as I was exposed to certain design techniques through other students projects I found my work progress from the parking lot of St. Edwards I created to the mental maps that I felt was very successful. Essentially I gave myself a medium because my beginning projects were not as sophisticated as my later projects

use of feedback

Though I felt behind in the course because of the things I had (opr hadn’t) been exposed to I felt  that I provided great feedback. I came to the crits (prepared or not) and always had things to say that ventured away from the simple “i like this” commentary. It was a great experience being around so many wonderful designers.

level of challenge to yourself

This was very challenging for me, specifically because I didn’t really feel like it was a self led course despite the fact that it was supposed to be entry level. Though this through me for a loop, I think I made some great progress with my design skills and my inner dialogue between design concepts.

contribution to climate

I try to be a positive source in every class. Sometimes I have a bad day, but I feel for the most part that my contribution to the general climate is positive and encouraging to others. This is specifically important in a course where critiques can at times feel harsh and personal. Staying positive helps smooth over that sometimes sour feeling people can get after a crit. Though I don’t think our class had that particular problem, being nice never hurts.

use of practice time

I say sporadic because I do not have a personal computer that I can design on, so breaks were really hard because if I cannot access the schools computers I cannot work on digital projects, though I would hand draw whatever conceptual things could be done beforehand it still doesn’t make up for the lost time. However when I do work I’m focused and I complete what i’m doing. I think consistency is really not a major point though because I was consistently busy working the whole semester.


It’s interesting that “expert hours” are taken into account, and I think that dimension of this class should weigh heavily on my grade. I was proactive, involved, and though my work might not have been expert level I was trying really hard on a platform I wasn’t very savvy with (which should be taken into account). I think I changed as a person during this course, and I would say it implored me to be more active in the artistic community. I also found that my inner dialogue that discusses the purposes of art and design as separate entities branched out further. At one time I viewed them as different platforms to reach similar conclusions, but I now see design as a necessary and contemporary “utility” and art rather as a…traditional necessity. Both having their own separate places. Regardless, I think i displayed the work ethic of an A student, work ethic, inner conceptual reflections, activeness in the community, and improvement all back my claims.

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