About MarshallWithAShotgun

19. From DFW TX. Art Major Graphic Design Minor or (maybe) vice versa. Pop Culture Nerd. Hoping to get into concept art and or story-boarding.

Blog post #10: reflections on this class – Was it helpful? Are there things you enjoyed? What would you change?

I enjoyed the class overall. I have no ideas on how to improve or change anything. I would like to hear more visiting artists talk to us but I think it was a very strong and interesting class even without them. I have enjoyed learning tips that I will carry with me as I start my career into art. And really appreciate that this class was available and mentioned to me when I first visited St Edwards.

Blog post #9: comments on the Faculty Presentations (11/22)

I found the faculty presentations to be very interesting and very helpful when it comes to such a stressful time of the year. Im glad I was one of the few who attended so I know there is a site that lists the times of the finals and also found that the tips that were provided were very helpful in my consideration on how I will study for my finals

Blog post #8: comments on Visiting Artist Presentation: Joe Meiser (11/15)

I found Joe Meiser’s presentation to be very motivational and very interesting. He is by far my favorite presenting artist that we have had and I find his work very unique and interesting. I plan to pick up the books Linchpin and Steal Like an Artist as he mentioned because they sound very interesting. It’s unfortunate that I was unable to attend the opening but I will attempt to stop by and check it out at a later date.

Blog post #6: comments on the Alex Robinson faculty presentation (10/25)

I found this presentation to be very interesting. I had no idea that a small town such as Marfa TX had such a prominent art gallery that people from all over the country travel to see. I’m glad I was finally able to see some of Alex’s work as well and  hear about her process. Some very interesting stories as well. Learning about the map pieces was pretty cool as well.

5. My Dream Spring Schedule

My preferred schedule for the spring would be a well balanced one. I recently switched my major over to Graphic Design so I am taking Typography 1, Photo 1 (along with taking intro to design and color in the summer at ACC) Asian Traditions, Public Speaking, and Intro to Computer solving. Right now I don’t have that heavy of a schedule but also taking 15 hours so I think that it will be a nice balance. Hopefully I do well in my design classes like I have been doing in my current classes. I only wish that I could take life drawing sooner than next fall (or later) but I will take it eventually.

3. Senior Portfolio

I found the Senior Portfolio Presentations to be very interesting. I feel way more comfortable now that I know that a lot of the distinguished upperclassmen with amazing work also went through a journey of finding what works best for them. And also at the same time they found their own styles and what makes their work unique. I think these coming years re going to be a great journey of self discovery while also doing what I love and am passionate about. Overall it was a very cool presentation and further solidifies my happiness on decided to take this course my incoming year.

2. Pizza Party

Im glad I was finally able to finish meeting and seeing all of the professors of the art department. It was really nice to see their work and hear about how they made it where they are today.. I also really found the trip to Thailand interesting. Thailand has always been on my list of countries to eventually visit, and I think it would be a great opportunity to get more influence and inspiration in my work. I am very interested by Ancient Thai art and the country’s rich and fascinating culture.

1. What I want to do when I grow up

I love animation. I was raised on Disney, McCraken, Hartman, Etc. I have and always will love animation in any form. Literally anything is possible. That is one of the main reasons I decided to pursue art. I would love to get a job as a Story Board Artist or Concept Artist for an animation studio. I want to aspire to create something that of like I enjoyed as a child for the next generation and even my future children. I would love to bring the happiness cartoons have brought to me over the years to other people.

4. Time Management

Overall I had a very nice time management schedule when I tracked it this week. I had to go to the car mechanic because rats made a nest in my car engine, but luckily that didnt throw me off too much. Im mostly done with classes everyday by 3-5 at the latest giving me a vast majority of the afternoon to work on homework and projects. I also have nice 1-2 hour breaks between classes to work on last minute things and practice drawing etc. All with fitting in at least 8 hours of sleep. I feel like I have a nice time management skill.