Blog post #10: reflections on this class – Was it helpful? Are there things you enjoyed? What would you change?

I enjoyed the class overall. I have no ideas on how to improve or change anything. I would like to hear more visiting artists talk to us but I think it was a very strong and interesting class even without them. I have enjoyed learning tips that I will carry with me as I start my career into art. And really appreciate that this class was available and mentioned to me when I first visited St Edwards.

Blog post #9: comments on the Faculty Presentations (11/22)

I found the faculty presentations to be very interesting and very helpful when it comes to such a stressful time of the year. Im glad I was one of the few who attended so I know there is a site that lists the times of the finals and also found that the tips that were provided were very helpful in my consideration on how I will study for my finals