Red Rock Canyon Spread

This was the second map in the series. This spread was centered around information. I chose to analyze the climbing at Red Rock Canyon in Nevada, as I was heading there at the time over a break. Climbing is near and dear to my heart, so I added a few details that many climbers would appreciate.

The color scheme I chose was a maroon, a kind of red. This was the natural choice because of the name of the park. I chose as slab serif as a pun. Slab is a type of climbing. Stylistically, I wanted clean lines, so the charts have a strong outline with a very opaque fill. I originally added illustrations to the top right graph as keys, but ended up adding body copy for non-climbers to understand what the graph said. Originally, the spread had a lot less copy. I was designing for a climber audience. I was given feedback about expanding my audience, and had to add explanation as a result.