This was my very first assignment in my very first graphic design class. We were told to create 26 characters for the uppercase alphabet, 10 numerals and basic punctuation. The design was supposed to be inspired by a quote give to us by the professor, executed in FontStruct. My quote was “the moon gazed on my midnight labours, while, with unrelaxed and breathless eagerness, I pursued nature to her hiding-places”. I began by curating a Pinterest board inspired by my quote to figure out the style that I was going for. Next, I designed the H, O, M, R, and A in order to develop a cohesive structure. From there I used the basic forms to make all other characters. FontStruct was very limiting, so I worked very zoomed in to really customize the details. Because of this process, this font is best used as a display face. The font specimen was supposed to use 2-3 colors and basic shapes only. Again, I drew inspiration from the quote to create a moon-like scene to hold my font.