Tagged: jimmyl













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The assignment consisted of creating an experience via audio and then to create a momentum. For the audio tour we chose two locations and we had to alter the instructions of the journey by talking about why is that path important to us. For the packages with buttons we altered the journey as well but this time with written instructions.

The first package of momentums is for Red Bud Isle and I pinned the buttons in the front so they would not be all over the plastic bag and I had my instructions on the back. I altered my instructions by not only going to that location but taking their dog with them.

The second package is for the Rowing Dock and for this one I had the buttons inside the plastic bag and the instructions were stapled to the plastic bag. I altered this journey by asking the person to experience it alone and during the sunset.



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For this project, we created five different typographic posters. We were given certain fonts, fills, transformations, patterns, and images; from those we had to pick one font and two ornaments. At the end we plotted the posters on a vinyl cutter replacing the blade with a gel pen.

For the poster with the letter ‘B’ I transformed it adding scallops to the side of the letter and added a pattern of distorted lines multiple times. I am very satisfied with this poster because it seems there are two tones on the letter, even though it was the same pen used to plot it; also, I added a closer shot to the part where the ‘B’ seems to have a curve pattern but it is a line pattern instead.

For the poster with the letter ‘N’ I added a circle pattern and sliced the letter in half adding two lines to each part. The close shot shows the tiny gap between the strokes that at the end gave the poster a nice touch.



For this project we chose and research a constellation to later project it on a thirty second video with found sounds and textures that were scanned. I chose ‘Hydra’ and it consists of a serpent, a crow, and a cup; it has a myth that involves betrayal. At the beginning of the video the serpent, the crow, and the cup come in from the left and whet they get to the center everything starts shaking, there is a sudden explosion, and they become a constellation. I believe this motion depicts the myth of the constellation and because of the chosen textures and sound it seems they are in the outer space. During this project I believe I learned a lot about motion and how to use the tools on AfterEffects and improved my skills.

Video Camera


For this project, both sections collaborated to came up with one idea for a one-shot music video for Taylor Swift “Shake it Off.” First each section came up with different ideas, then picked the best from each, and last decided to pick the idea of people getting rejected from parties until they find the party where they fit. After planning, brainstorming, and getting all the props, we took 4 complete shots to get it right. It was a very fun project and we learned about teamwork.

SLR Camera

For this assignment, we were asked to read “Me Talk Pretty One Day” by David Sedaris and come up with metaphors that portray the lesson of the reading. My metaphor talks about sometimes we make something simple so complicated. To depict this metaphor, I took some time to think about how could I illustrate this and I decided to take a photo of a toilet with the newest technology. We are used to toilets with a simple handle, which flushes the toilet, and this toilet has turn something simple to a more complicated usage of the toilet. I believe the machine that gives you several options such as spraying water in different ways and opening the lid automatically, emphasizes the metaphor of the reading.


You are asked to give your name after 10pm

For this assignment we were given a quote and had to portray it with 10 images. On Tumblr those images had to make s tory but not too literate. I perceived my quote as something scary since it takes places at night because it has “10pm” on it. I decided to make a story were a serial killer is going for someone and you can see this person’s path but you never see his face just his shadow. My pictures portray fear and suspense.

Graduation Speech Pamphlet




For this project, we worked with a classmate and we were given a PDF of a graduation speech by Bill Moyers for the University of Texas at Austin to make it into a pamphlet and a website. We worked on InDesign and I learned how to work with document grids, guidelines, and with the x-height. It was a challenge to organize the context in order to not have hyphens, widows, orphans, or rivers. Once we had all the context organized, we picked important phrases and add them as quotes, bolder and with a bigger font size. We added the two lines on top and bottom on each quote to keep the pamphlet consistent. We printed and cut a couple of copies to make sure we had a great result and I am very satisfied with both pamphlet and website.

Typographic Poster





For this project, we were assigned a typeface designed y one of our classmates and make 3 posters. One with any letter, another one with the quote the typeface was based on, and the last one with the all the characters and glyphs. At the time, I was very excited with color so I decided to use a gradient with the rainbow colors. We were supposed to use only two colors but I was allowed to use the gradient. I spent most of the time on the poster with the letter because I had to color every square that flows from the letter. Overall I have everything we were asked for but creative wise I believe I could have done better starting with choosing a better color palette.


Typeface Design





The purpose of the Typeface Design assignment was to design a typeface using Fontstruct based on a quote we were given. My quote was “Art enables us to find ourselves and loose ourselves at the same time.” I designed my typeface in a way that it can differ from others  but I kept it legible. I tried to use the same ornaments on all of them to maintain cohesion. The hardest part was when I was designing the glyphs because they were very transformed when they had the two ornaments so I decided to only add the bumps. I named my typeface “Flow Art” because the bumps on the letters gave me the feeling of a flowing rhythm.