My target of expert hours for this semester is 256 hours. For half of the semester I had 142 hours and I intended to have 256+ hours by the end of the semester. I ended up with 252 hours and I gathered most of my hours working outside of class.
Social/Emotional Development
This half of the semester I believe I moved from in between mature-young level to mature because I turned in my project on time and stayed on track with it. I set aside personal problems and worked at home on the Conference Book.
Sophistication of your work
In this category I do not feel I improved the sophistication of my work. I did learn a lot from the Conference Book but I know that I could have done much better on the project. I tried to make it look sophisticated but it was very challenging.
Use of feedback
Although I did not attend class frequently, I would ask some classmates for feedback. Since I missed crit days I listened to the feedback from outside of class and made a lot of changes on my project. I feel that the feedback given to me was very meaningful and it is projected on my project.
Level of challenge to yourself
This half of the semester was very challenging for me. It was my first time working on a long book and it was very stressful. First of all, I had a very hard time deciding were the text would go, how to accommodate what, etc. Second, it was hard for me to decide on the color scheme and what could help the book not look very simple.
Contribution on climate
Unfortunately for this category I did not do a good job. I missed a lot of crit days and did not contribute for my classmates work. I would give feedback to them outside of class but still I do not think I did by best.
Use of practice time
Although I missed class frequently, I did work a lot at home. Like I have said on previous reflections, I like what I do so I do not mind working a lot at home. I like to take my time and revise everything before turning it in and I will try to fix any detail until I feel satisfied with my work.
Overall, I think I did good on this semester. I turned in my projects on time and I was satisfied with them. This last project was a challenge and I know I can do better; but I am still happy that I got it done because it was my first time working on anything similar. I believe I gained a lot of knowledge from this semester and improved my skills on Adobe programs. Considering that I did challenge myself and worked hard on the projects I would like to have an A but due to my absences I think I deserve a B for the semester.