Karla Garza’s Midterm Reflection of Advanced Typography

My target of expert hours for this semester is 256 hours. For half of the semester I was calculating to have 128 hours but I exceeded my target having a total of 142 hours in total. I believe I gathered most of my hours working outside of class and it shows that I am doing good with the use of my practice.

Social / Emotional Development

Mature – young

I believe that this half of the semester I stayed in between a young and mature level like last year because I am still letting things outside of school affect me. I still tried my best and turned in the weather report project and the latch exercises on time. I work at home and when possible I go to the lab in school to keep working on my projects. I keep on with my work and that is why I say that I do not fall in the young level completely but I am planning to get out of that level completely and stay in the mature level.

Sophistication of your work


I believe I have progressed a lot in my work this half of the semester. It had been a long time since I used after effects for motion and I am glad o got to better my skills at the program. I spent a lot of time and made every piece of the weather report in illustrator which I am very happy with. I learned how to move text with paths at the beginning of the semester in the LATCH practice and I applied that in the weather report.

Use of feedback


I consider feedback very important for my projects because it helps me to better my project. Sometimes I can get very attached to an idea that might not be the best for my project and with the feedback from my classmates I can realize that there are better ways to execute my project. The reason I think this half of the semester the feedback useful and not meaningful is because I missed some critique days and I didn’t received the enough feedback I would have like to.

Level of challenge to yourself 


I feel that this half of the semester was quite of a challenge but not to the level that it was intense. It was a challenge to remember how to use after effects but it was more enjoyable than challenging. Making the pieces in illustrator was kind of a challenge too but it was applying the knowledge from last semester.

Contribution to climate

Room Temp

I think this connects back to feedback because since I missed some critique days I could not give my classmates enough feedback but whenever I had the chance even outside of class I would give them feedback. Sometimes they would ask me and I would critique their work so they could have another opinion.

Use of practice time


The time that I spend practicing is very consistent. I not only work at school and during class but I like to work at home too. I like what I do so I do not mind working at home for long times. I like to polish my work so whenever I am not satisfied with something I work on it until I feel that is ready to turn in. After deadlines if I see something that bothers me I go back and work on it so that is why I feel that my use of practice is very consistent.

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