For this project, we created five different typographic posters. We were given certain fonts, fills, transformations, patterns, and images; from those we had to pick one font and two ornaments. At the end we plotted the posters on a vinyl cutter replacing the blade with a gel pen.
For the poster with the letter ‘B’ I transformed it adding scallops to the side of the letter and added a pattern of distorted lines multiple times. I am very satisfied with this poster because it seems there are two tones on the letter, even though it was the same pen used to plot it; also, I added a closer shot to the part where the ‘B’ seems to have a curve pattern but it is a line pattern instead.
For the poster with the letter ‘N’ I added a circle pattern and sliced the letter in half adding two lines to each part. The close shot shows the tiny gap between the strokes that at the end gave the poster a nice touch.