Link to Pinterest Board:
For this project, I curated a Pinterest board to the quote “Crossing a Frontier is Quite an Emotive Thing to do: An Imaginary Limit Made Material…” To me, the concept behind the quote was that a frontier can be anything where you are personally pushed to a limit; a point where you’ve stopped and are on an edge. Past this edge is a great expanse of exploration or opportunity. I explored this concept first by choosing images where physically, people were on the edge of a large expanse. Space helped me make the symbolism of a frontier visual. After this (because an expanse can only push so much emotion), I chose a few images that were closer, to portray the personal aspect more accurately. The Nazareth Benuzio image portrays the anticipation of crossing frontiers while the Nan Goldin image shows the physical stress frontiers can push on a person. The Julia Wang and Andrea Colombo images both depict the solemn sadness and fear frontiers can create.
doodle jump will challenge you not only with scary monsters but also with breaking platforms, requiring you to have quick reflexes to avoid falling down.