Jose’s Midterm Reflection

I have 460 hrs accumulated from last semester.  My target hours is 16 hrs/per week out of  255 hrs per semester. Expert hours  gain so far this semester is 104 hrs. Goal of hours to reach by march 13 is 192 hrs. At the moment I am getting many of my expert hour from class  and working  in the  humanities  office.

My social and  emotional development is somewhere closer to adolescent so far this semester. It has been a bit rough at beginning of the semester since I had trouble with my sleep and it was starting to make go into a state of depression. Although, the last couple of weeks have been getting a whole lot. I have been feeling even more positive lately since I been able to get more sleep in.

The sophistication of my work is in between medium and high, but mostly leaning on medium. My work needs much more polishing up but it does not mean that I do not give it my all  when turn in my latches or any of my work that I have turned in so far. Again, I do not think that my works are the best thing out there and they are certainly not something that I would show another person with out polishing it. However, I am proud of what I have because I know how much hard work I have put into them. Plus I just need to work much harder on improving my skills and with time I’m sure my works will be look as good as the amount of time and work I put into them.

My use of feedback has been very meaningful especially for this  last latch that we turned in. I know that I have missed a couple times getting my fellow classmates feedback but the times that they have giving me has helped me where I can improve my works. However, the feedback that found more meaningful are the ones that you gave me. It has help me a lot in improving my works. Not to mention, it has help me from making things  too complicating for me since I keep on over thinking many my ideas. Also I know for a fact  that without feedback my works would be all over the place and for that reason I consider all of the feedback that get meaningful.

The level of challenged myself would be a medium, which sound like it contradicts what I stated before but I do have a reason for this. Have been working really hard on all works, but because of the lack of sleep I been getting the first part of the semester I feel like I was not challenging myself enough because of my lack of sleep. The other think that I think effected level of challenge was that I kept over think many of projects. Over thinking thing can usually help with adding a level of challenge but I feel it hold me prevented me from moving forward. Although, every time I ended up getting stuck I tried my best to figure out how fix or improve my problems. So there was a constant level of challenge on improving my work to look the best which is why I claim I would have a middle level of challenge.

My climate is somewhere between cold and room temp, leaning more toward the cold. This because one I missed four days of class so far, and two I not really the talkative kind of person in class. I tend to keep to myself a lot, this is not because don’t like my classmate but it just I  mostly feel awkward speaking to others. It is not an understatement that climate is my weakest point but I try to make up by working hard in my projects.  I am also trying little by little on improving my climate that give to the classroom, but so far this cold-ish climate is what I give at the moment.

Final thing is my use of practice time, it is very uneven at the moment. This is because I tend to focus on a project a day.  I would love to get my practice time to be even throughout all my projects but sadly this is the method I found so far to help keep up with all projects. So my practice time would occur every other days which sometimes ends up being uneven because I would spend that half to whole day just to keep up with projects.

Overall I feel that my grade for the midterm should be a B. I know that work is not the greatest thing and there are things  that need to polished up, but I know that I making progress. It may not be a fast as the rest of my classmates but I know that growing and sharping my skills with my hard work and time I’m putting into my projects.




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