Image Methodology – Material Studies

ib_p2_posterPORTREV ib_p2_processbook

As seen in my process book, I also experimented with mini umbrellas and balloons but ultimately liked how I could stack the toy soldiers on top of each other and how the act of the soldiers holding each other up represented how they must help, protect, and support one another in battle. I used this concept to set the stage for the display of my word and embraced the patriotic theme and idea of war. The small size of the figures was overpowered with large outside natural elements so I set up a diorama. This set up also allowed me to capture the shadows of the stacked figures to accentuate how they were hoisting each other up, an issue that I struggled with initially.

Graphic Design 1 – Symbol Project


Image Methodology – Constructivism or Construct (Kim)

ib_ex2_earth ib_ex2_fire ib_ex2_water ib_ex2_wind

I experimented with several different materials and textures to create my sculptures to see how they would be captured and manipulated in a photograph. I enjoyed working with the aluminum foil because it produced interesting reflections and shadows that were intensified with additional contrast. I believe the material and the simple setting I selected enhanced each sculpture and their designs, removing distractions, almost making them appear larger than they actually are. I also thought the visual and physical trick the balancing rocks display in the element of Earth created a sense of motion, accentuated with the shadow below. It developed the idea of earth as a living thing, always in motion.

Image Methodology – Scavenger Hunt (Kim)

Scavenger Hunt Web Link

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This project was a great opportunity to put my photography skills to use and explore the city in search for graphic elements that were different enough in texture, content, and format such as close ups and wide range photographs, to create an interesting transition of pictures. I took several photographs and really pushed myself to find pictures of almost unimportant items such as the corner of grass and the plank on wood on the concrete and transform them into monumental photographs. I think the square format enhances the angular photographs I took and strengthens and accentuates their sharp features and forces the viewer to pay close attention main element weather it be color, texture, shape or line. The range of types pictures allows for a very diverse yet cohesive string of photographs.

Graphic Design 1 – Duck


After creating symbols with only black and white in our first project for Graphic Design 1, it was interesting to begin using color and create forms with them. I love using color in any and all projects that I can. I show so exploration in how color can be stacked and manipulated to create shadows and glares in In Design, a characteristic I carried over and practiced with in my other vector assignments. Although I struggled with the details of the feathers to represent the same kind of color manipulation, it was a good assignment to see how simplicity in the detail can also work.


Image Metgodology – Scales: Tactile or Look (Kim)




For this assignment we were to look for letters in inanimate objects to form a three-letter word. After taking several photographs I first mixed and matched with textures before forming the word in order to first create contrasting transitions from image to image and to insure the concept was cohesive, eliminating images that were too illegible. I liked this pairing the best and was pleasantly surprised by how well the colors of each picture carried you to the next. The rust of the metals reflected in the bark of the tree in the center. And the dark areas of the bark bringing you back out to the shadows in the to the outer pictures.

Typography 1 – Type Specimen Book

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Type1 Specimen Book

As the cover of my book implies, as well as the pages inside, I wanted to accentuate the theme of opposing genders and play with the two fonts in an almost story like way. The lightness of the pink and gray allows for a slightly subtle approach to this concept, rather than using red and black throughout the entire book, for example. The bold color stripes along the bottom of the body text pages allowed variations of each font throughout the book and provided a visual base for the main text. The grid also gave an appropriate amount of space to insert captions about the Eaves font series along the outside margins. All of these elements together created a strong message and appearance for such a small book.

Typography 1 – “Bright Lights” Poster (Lorena)

Type1 PosterPORTREV

This poster was meant to inform as well as attract viewers in an interesting way rather than just a small flyer with just a text block.  My design achieves both by creating texture and design using the large stretched font that guides you across and down the page with the extended descenders. Instead of adding additional textures or designs I allowed the title to be both the center of attention texturally, graphically, and hieratically.

Typography 1 – Onomatopoeia

Typography Onomatopeia

The black and white color scheme help to highlight the two major ideas expressed in this composition. The idea of motion and of flat text. The verb slurp implies motion so I wanted to incorporate the action into the piece to add variation. The goal was to alter a font based on an onomatopoeia, my approach was subtle with the transformation of the letter ‘L’ into a straw. A strong idea that did not alter the text to an illegible degree.