Graphic Design 1 – Symbol Project
- I enjoyed this project and the symbols I produced. It was hard to narrow down my thoughts and ideas in the beginning, I found that I had so many visual ideas to start with and later in the process it was hard to break away from the first vector sketches. My final vectors became somewhat simplified, I took away some of the original busy elements and enhanced fills and and lines to beef up the final image. I am pleased with the outcome.
- For this final vector I stayed close to the original image to create variations. I altered fill and line widths to make the image more bold and stand out. I also played with eliminating elements of the original and somewhat pasting together different pieces to create new ideas. Yet I ultimately did not stray too far from my original for the final product.
- When it came to creating and adjusting my vector under the category of “Summer” I ran into some trouble. It was tricky to work with because of my abstract representation of the Fourth of July, however, my insecurity over my combined vector pushed me to create new ones and really branch out with ideas.
- Next I began to expand the idea and visual representation of each vector. This study of combinations of lobster buoys and lighthouses falls under the category of Rockport. I really liked the negative spaces the images were making when I was able to layer them on top of each other in different ways. Because they are similar forms the objects worked well together as a set.
- I then hand sketched and vectorized three combinations of new symbols each created using two images from the original sketching phase.
- I started this project by sketching images and pictures based on brainstorm words developed under three main categories, Summer, Rockport, and “The Blue House”, what we call my family summer home in Massachusetts. I was able to narrow down my sketches to a few main images that best represented each category in a visual way.