El Paletero

For my book, I wanted to show the different ways that gentrification can affect a community, specifically the East Cesar Chavez neighborhood.  I wanted to design my book to be a children’s book. In order to show the effects of gentrification for a child to understand, I told the story from the point of view of an Ice Cream man. Since ice cream men usually have brief encounters with people, this allowed me to create short stories and at the same time show the many different people in the East Cesar Chavez community. I added my own illustrations and explored styles in character drawing. I also challenged myself in keeping a color palet of 5 colors in order to keep it cohesive. Overall, I am very happy with how my characters came out and I am eager to develop this style of drawing. IMG_0894 IMG_0892 IMG_0889 Blog_spread3 Blog_spread2 Blog_spread1


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