This is my final book relating back to East Cesar Chavez. I wanted a book that is loosely tied to the neighborhood because I wanted it to be able to be applied in different situations. I took the photos that my classmates and I took in the neighborhood. I then created color palettes for each photo and sent them to people asking questions about the feeling these color palettes give off. I then used the words to create word clouds in the book that relates to the photo and color palette. This entire process is written in the beginning of the book, along with research done on color psychology. The result was a tension between what the photo is, and psychological perception of the color palette. The entire PDF of the book can be found here: The Book Project
Locating Place: Animated GIFs
Thes GIFs were created for explore East Cesar Chavez. Each one was created with the idea of color in mind. This exercise helped with the process that eventually led to the book project. I wanted the GIFs to show how there is always color in the neighborhood. The fully animated GIFs can be found here:
T-Shirt Designs
The entire class split up into teams and each team created the front and back of their shirt. The teams would then compete against one another in a series of games. My team choose for the team name to be Krieg Ziegen, which is German for War Goats. We chose the typeface Bauhaus because it originated as a German typeface. The original file for our team was misplaced, so this is a recreation of it, but it is the same idea. There are silhouettes of people fighting, but their heads are replaced with goat heads. Then the ends of the “K” and “n” are elongated, so it looks like the goat-people are in a boxing ring.
We each were then in charge of our personal nickname design. I chose my nickname to be The Baker because I enjoy baking. Each letter resembles a rising loaf and then all together the phrase takes the form of a loaf of bread.
Place Video
This video was made at Zilker Botanical Gardens. The focus is to showcase all the different parts of the garden in 30 seconds. The shots are linked to the music in order to have a smooth flow. The music was chosen to create a feeling of happiness and peace because that is what I felt in the garden.
Program Booklet
Instructions an Memento Packaging
I created buttons for this project. The places I went to were Top Golf and Mayfield Nature Preserve. The Top Golf instructions were to evoke a feeling of joy while the instructions for Mayfield Nature Preserve were to evoke a feeling of wonder. The buttons for the Mayfield Nature Preserve focuses on the peacocks that live there. One is the peacock’s feathers. The background color of the other two was pulled from the two shades of blues used in the peacock feathers. I made a drawing of a peacock head and then of the whole body; both are in the same style.
Weather Report
For the weather report, I chose to focus on location, time, and category out of LATCH. To emphasize each different structure, I changed the color, size, or animated it in some way. The first structure is location. It is obviously location because the map is what stands out. The second structure is time. I increased the size on the days and changed the color to red so it stands out more. For categories, I made the symbols for the weather type in color and I animated it somehow to put emphasis on this latch. My strongest aspect of this video is the choreography. It is completely fluid and every aspect moves in sync with one another. It is also simple and the viewer can easily look at all the information and understand what is being portrayed.
LATCH Exercises
I used this project to practice more with Adobe After Effects and become more acquainted wit the software. Each video is roughly 5 seconds each and portrays a different part of LATCH. It is a year since I took Image Methodology, so it took me some time to understand After Effects again. I was able to gain a better understanding of how to use the software and all the things that I can do with it.
Backpack Inventory Poster
Cognitive Map
This map is based on the cognitive decisions I go through every morning when determining what to wear for the day. Since the map is based on my own thinking process, I wanted the map to have a piece of me. To accomplish this aspect, I included photos of clothes from my wardrobe.The process is mapping out every thought pattern onto one page was difficult, but the project showed me how every decision, no matter how small, mattered.