Graphic Design I- Symbol Methodology



For this Type I assignment, we were asked to generate variations of three separate photos, that would then be created into one single image. The concept was to be able to generate original symbols by meshing together multiple photos accordingly. When I was in Graphic Design I, I was still fresh to illustrator in the sense that it was still very challenging for me to create vectors that were not jagged or odd looking due to my lack of skill with using illustrator and the pen tool. Therefore, with saying that I feel that this piece does not fully embody the projects requirements. Within the first weeks of hearing this assignment, I had some directions mixed up and did not clear up the issues. That is why my work is not up to the standard that I would have liked it to be. I found the design thought process for this project challenging to work with. I was not fully letting my mind be open to this thought process. Now that I look back on this assignment, If I was able to redo my vectors I would been more open to the thought process and would try to see it through.