Image Methodology – Combine



For this project we were to create a poster using a series of photo scans that also were relevant to prompts we were given. In class we scanned in photos of objects that felt personal to us. For me, my prompt called for showing the people who are the most influential in my life. To start this project I scanned flowers, nail polish, photos of my family, and other objects that were relevant to my life and hobbies. This combination of photos that I chose showcases my family.

My whole family is influential in my life. Along side my family, the other objects that I decided to show are influential on my personality. I decided to make my poster vibrant and lively. I chose to have a colorful abstract background with the placement of objects on top. The one thing that I needed to pay more attention to was my isolation and cutting of certain photos. I should have tried to make cleaner isolations. Though, since I made it vibrant and with quite a few objects I feel that all of it together enhances my work. All the items together show a little bit about myself and showcase that my family is the center of my life. I feel that my concept and design decisions make this work fulfill the assignment.

Image Methodology- Construct



For this project, we needed to create a series of photos, with our own monument creations for the elements of earth. I created human mannequins to represent each element. For earth elements, I have always liked variations of humans or women being the spirit of the element. Therefore, the design decisions that I made fall back on that concept. One thing about this project was that it was not suppose to take a lot of time to create. They were suppose to be created in a short time to just demonstrate the monument.

Therefore, for earth,fire,wind, and water I chose to use the same human element and then designed around that. For earth I wanted to show a monument of “mother earth, all giving” that is why I created the mannequin for earth carrying “earth” and handing it over to us to nurture. With fire, I felt it would be more impactful to actually set my mannequin on fire. I felt that this design decision gave my element more meaning. Air is my favorite monument. I wanted to show a spirit human being having control over the winds of the earth. And lastly, for water I was trying to embody a person that was one with the ocean, as if he/she broke apart from a coral reef. My concepts for my monuments fulfill this assignment but I feel that I could have done better with the placement of my mannequins for photos. Even though I lacked in properly photographing my work, I am content with my turn out.