Image Meth-Scavenger Hunt HTML

Screen shot 2014-05-02 at 1.58.16 PMScreen shot 2014-05-02 at 1.58.39 PMScreen shot 2014-05-02 at 1.59.50 PM

For this project we were to create a HTML site showing a slide show of objects that we photographed that embodied a design element. We needed to have photos that included line, color, and texture, etc. For this project I decided to photograph objects that were in the perimeter of my apartment complex. I photographed objects around my complex that I thought best fit the assignment.


Graphic Design I- Illustrator Duck exercise




For this project, it was asked that we show where we stand with using the Illustrator program. This was our first project in GDES I. My work fulfills the project by tracing over the duck object while creating clean lines for the duck’s body and pupils. The design decisions that I went through with were taking my time to create a well shaped duck and making sure to make the eyes look consistent and not goofy. Where my piece lacks in design is where I needed to enhance my duck. We needed to create shading and highlights within the duck and I fell short on that part of the assignment because I was trying to create a better body all around for my duck. At this point in my design career I was wobbly using Illustrator tools, but where my design practice has taken me towards the end of the semester this year, my skill has improved tremendously.

Image Methodology- Look



For this project we were to go out into our every day environment and find structures or objects that form letters. I took countless photos of objects or structures that I felt might have looked like a letter form, but the majority of the objects that I shot did not make a understandable word. Therefore I started to only look for objects that would spell out a word. I chose the word “OUT” because when I was looking at objects and structures I was seeing that the letters “O” “U” and “T” kept popping up more often than I expected. For this project I decided to use OUT and use objects that were more or less in the same category. I photographed objects around my apartment so that my entire word would feel like one. Also I shot my photos at the same time so that there would not be different lighting and off set shadows.