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May, 2014

  1. Sophmore Assessment

    May 2, 2014 by dcuesta

    Click on the image to see the full post
    IMG_3484 IMG_3256 Denisse_SensoryMap


    The past two years studying graphic design have helped me grow in many different ways; from learning the basics of typography (such as hierarchy, grids, etc), to using effectively Illustrator to create posters, typefaces, learning to vectorize, and creating books in inDesign, I feel I’ve grown in the sense of how I see design now, I see it everywhere, I am always conscious of the elements of design around me. Walking down the street and seeing objects, people, cars, all help get inspiration for whatever I might do next. I see billboards and in my mind I think of the grid being used, the effectiveness of attention-getters, different design techniques that I might not know yet, and I think that the quality in my work improves every day.
    I’ve learned that the way I work best in terms of translating what is in my mind and putting it successfully in paper, or create it digitally, is beginning with paper. Sketches, and many of them, are needed so that my mind can sort them out, create iterations, and find the style, idea, I had in my mind.
    Today I am proud to say I might not know everything yet, but I know enough to be satisfied with how I’ve grown in my classes. I’ve worked hard to learn and improve, and I plan on keeping improving, to grow as a designer every day.

  2. Type Specimen Book: Futura

    May 2, 2014 by dcuesta

    IMG_3488IMG_3462 IMG_3465 IMG_3467 IMG_3469 IMG_3474 IMG_3475IMG_3480 IMG_3482 IMG_3484IMG_3485 IMG_3489

  3. Elektra Typeface

    May 2, 2014 by dcuesta



    Elektra was created for my first Typography class, following a specific grid the typeface needed to be legible, creative and unique.

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