Calyne's Visual Studies Portfolio

The happiest people don't have the best of everything, they make the best of everything.

Blog post #4


This is how i manage my oh so precious time…

Monday/Wednsday: Go to class from 10am until 12pm; eat lunch while watching videos/ browsing internet; dabble in a bit of homework from anywhere around 2pm to 4pm; go to my 5pm class until 6:15 (bc those 15 extra minutes really are important); grab dinner; think about doing homework but most likely go back to the internet and make no progress for the rest of the night; go to sleep around 12am

Tuesday/Thursdays: Go to class from 9am to 11am; eat an early lunch with friends; go back to dorm to revisit homework for about 3 hours; maybe go take photos for a project; sometimes visit freinds off campus; go to 5:25pm class until 6:40pm; grab dinner; either do more homework or read; go to sleep around 12am

Friday!!!: Go to classes from 9am to 12pm; go grab lunch with friends (sometimes off campus); Gather up any homework i may need to finish before i decide to crawl in my cave an not see the light of day until Monday

Saturday: Nothing that has to do with school UNLESS there is a project I am working on

Sunday(fun day): Laundry day/ clean up day; homework that may be due that Monday;

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