Calyne's Visual Studies Portfolio

The happiest people don't have the best of everything, they make the best of everything.

Color/Design Final

Original Design by Jeff Proctor

Original Design by Jeff Proctor

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Artist Gawk #2


Alexander McQueen

McQueen was an amazing visual artist! A lot of his work can be considered very unique and non comparable when you see them together, but they all are visual interesting. I never look at one of his pieces and find my self dissatisfied or bored. There is always something to be discussed whether it is about his material use, or what it represents. When i see his work, it isn’t about the model, only about what they wear.

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Artist Gawk #1


Nick Cave

Creates an entire new being with his work. He is able to capture an imagination and animate it! The use of materials is B-A-N-A-N-A-S!!

Everything is so lively and vibrant which gives you a sense of freedom and the chance to let your wild side come out of the darkness. It is very interactive and looks amazing to look at in actual performances.

Check out some of his pieces being used to their full potential!

Nick Cave Art



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Blog Post #5- Dream Spring Schedule



  • Color& Design (9am-11am)
  • American Experience (1pm-1:50pm)


  • Math (9am-10:45am)
  • Typography I (12pm-1:50)
  • Rhetoric & Composition II (3:30pm-4:45pm)


  • American Experience (1pm-1:50)



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Blog post #4


This is how i manage my oh so precious time…

Monday/Wednsday: Go to class from 10am until 12pm; eat lunch while watching videos/ browsing internet; dabble in a bit of homework from anywhere around 2pm to 4pm; go to my 5pm class until 6:15 (bc those 15 extra minutes really are important); grab dinner; think about doing homework but most likely go back to the internet and make no progress for the rest of the night; go to sleep around 12am

Tuesday/Thursdays: Go to class from 9am to 11am; eat an early lunch with friends; go back to dorm to revisit homework for about 3 hours; maybe go take photos for a project; sometimes visit freinds off campus; go to 5:25pm class until 6:40pm; grab dinner; either do more homework or read; go to sleep around 12am

Friday!!!: Go to classes from 9am to 12pm; go grab lunch with friends (sometimes off campus); Gather up any homework i may need to finish before i decide to crawl in my cave an not see the light of day until Monday

Saturday: Nothing that has to do with school UNLESS there is a project I am working on

Sunday(fun day): Laundry day/ clean up day; homework that may be due that Monday;

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