For my Image Methodology class I created a short animation inspired by Russian propaganda posters. First, I separated the image into many different layers in photoshop. Then using Adobe After Effects, I animated the objects and characters until a complete poster arrived. When I created this it was very difficult for me. I struggled with mastering after effects for the entirety of that course, but this assignment definitely helped me learn more about the program. I really enjoyed doing a project that involved posters from the Russian constructivism period. I thought they were great inspiration and designs from an era that I had never looked at previously.
Material Studies
For my image methodology class we did a materials studies project. I experimented with different materials and documented my experimentation. I made a video showing my experiments and then made a final video once I had decided on what material to utilize.
I ended up not using any of the materials I experimented with. I had initially wanted to make letters out of a mixture of rice and glue, but that plan did not work out. Instead, I decided to use something that was a huge part of my life in the spring of 2013. I was going through withdrawals from a medication at the time and had an abundance of capsules. I used those for my final materials studies project.
World Religion Hybrid Symbols
For this assignment we were require to choose a theme and create symbols in line with that theme. I have always been interested in the different world religions, so I chose that for my theme. I chose Judaism, Islam, and Buddhism as my three religions to explore. The images above are of my hybrid symbols. I initially created three symbols for each religion, but then decided to mix the religions when designing my hybrid symbols. The first symbol is a hybrid of my abstract Boddhi Tree (Buddhism) and the Hijab (Islam).I chose to combine the Boddhi Tree and the Hijab because they are both sacred symbols of the respective religions. The second symbol is a hybrid of a Mosque (Islam) and a statue of the Buddha (Buddhism). It made sense to me to combine a Mosque and a Buddha because they are both institutions of each religion. The third symbol is a hybrid of a dreidel (Judaism) and a lotus flower (Buddhism). My reason behind combining these symbols was more aesthetic than conceptual.
Dada Designs
For my image methodology class I created three images inspired by the Dada movement of the early 20th century. I tried to focus on a different element of the movement for each of my pieces. For my abstraction I focused on surrealistic imagery. I really enjoyed creating a piece with the contrast of the blurred images and the straight lines. I found it very visually interesting.
This was our first vector assignment in Illustrator in my Graphic Design I class. During this exercise, we were practicing gaining control over the pen tool. it was a challenge to learn how to make specific shapes without adding too many anchor points. I initially had a new anchor point every quarter inch, but I eventually figured out how to manipulate the handles of an anchor point so that I didn’t have to use so many. It was definitely an important learning experience.
ITC Century Std Type Specimen Booklet
This gallery contains 22 photos.
ITC Century Std Type Specimen Booklet For my Typography I class I was required to create a type specimen book in order to showcase a particular typeface and I chose ITC Century Std. There are sixteen different typefaces in the ITC Century Std type family. I was please to have a large variety to […]
Design Culture Now Poster
1st Design
I designed this poster for my Typography I class in the fall of 2012. We were tasked with creating a poster for the Design Culture Now event where different designers gave lectures about their own work and process. I struggled with the use of the grid system in this project. I also struggled with color theory and creating a poster that didn’t compete with the text. Due to these struggles, I ended up redoing the poster after I turned it in.
Redesigned After Grading – Poster Redo copy
Prototype Typeface – MOJO
I completed this project for my Typography I class in the Fall of 2012. We were asked to create a typeface using only squares. The squares were supposed to reminiscent of pixels. We were initially required to create six letters, but I went ahead and made several more in my free time.
This project was my first experience with creating my own type. It was challenging because we were only allowed to use squares to create the letters, which limited what we could do. I tried to create a font that had a congruent feel throughout all of the letters. I feel that it was successful, but now that I look back on it I could’ve developed the serifs more efficiently and used more of them.